What do awards do?
When someone gets a special award, it doesn’t have to be one of the famous trophies from the glittering film world to make you feel like a star. Whether in sports, a hobby, voluntary work or in the company – hardly anything inspires people more than to be honored. Then the certificate that you receive at an employee award feels almost exactly like the Oscar. The same applies to the football cup, whether in the Champions League or in the district class.
The trophy as a sign of recognition
People have always strived for recognition, want to stand out through awards company and thus present their own value. Awards should not only be obtained for physical performance, they are also of great importance for the services or products offered. One form of recognition can be an award or trophy.
In contests and competitions, the winners receive trophies, awards or other tokens of recognition after a particularly good performance. This is not only the case in sporting competitions, but there are also various awards and trophies for the best products in a category.
Award for products or services
The winner of the trophy would like to show his award and can use various options to do so: The proud presentation of the prize won can be achieved by stickers on the award-winning products. Even the ancient Egyptians used cylinder seals with characters to mark their special goods. This phenomenon can still be observed today when it is written on product packaging that it has won the award, for example as the best care product. The decals can be quickly and individually designed so that they can be displayed as a trophy for special achievement for everyone to see, which also gets the products more attention from you.
At the same time, awards are a very special motivation for people in all walks of life. Because an award always shows that an individual or a group has done something extraordinary and thus stands out from the crowd. An award or honor does just that a moment of glory. Studies show again and again that an employee honor often does more to motivate the individual than, for example, a salary increase.